Top 5: Power BI Tips of the Day


heute ein kleiner Überblick über die beliebtesten Power BI Tips of the Day. Ihr kennt vielleicht schon meine Power BI Tips of the Day, die ich seit letztem Oktober regelmäßig auf LinkedIN poste und hier auf meiner Seite archiviere, damit ihr diese auch immer wieder nachschlagen könnt. Heute möchte ich euch die Top 5 Tips der letzten 5 Monate zeigen.

today a small overview of the most popular Power BI Tips of the Day. You may already know my Power BI Tips of the Day, which I’ve been posting regularly on LinkedIN since last October and archiving here on my site so you can always look them up. Today I want to show you the top 5 tips of the last 5 months.


Tip 1

Customized Icons/Benutzerdefinierte Icons

The only two things you need are pictures for the Icons which you transform on in 64 bit Icons and a short line of json:
“name”: “Icons”,
“icons”: {“RedIcon”: {“description”: “Red”, “url”: “PUT YOUR RED ICON BASE 64 CODE HERE”}
,”AmberIcon”: {“description”: “Amber”, “url”: “PUT YOUR AMBER ICON BASE 64 CODE HERE”}
,”GreenIcon”: {“description”: “Green”, “url”: “PUT YOUR GREEN ICON BASE 64 CODE HERE”}

-> You can also use the my new JSON Template with:

  • Background image (will appear on every new page you create)
  • Customized Icons for Table/Matrix Visual
  • Customization of selected visuals:
    • Table (TableEx)
    • Matrix (pivotTable)
    • Mutlirow Card
    • Card
    • Slicer

Tip 2

Shortcut for Window-Icons

If you like to use Windows Icons: press the Windows button and the Dot button at the same time at your keyborad.

Tip 3

Power BI in Power Point

Tip 4

Shortcut for DAX 

CTL + Shift + L

Tip 5

IBCS Reporting Standards

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