Monitoring Report for Power BI Report Server – Admin Edition

Hello again,

some of you know my passion about governance and a topic I count in this area is monitoring. So I build a basic monitoring report for you to check your Power BI Report Server environment. If you like you can use the file and change the datasource. I will shortly explain how you can do this really easy. I build to versions, one for Power BI Desktop July 2020 and one for the Power BI Desktop (RS) May 2020. The July version will not work in the Report Server Version because of the metadata format – this is not supported in the Report Server until now.

If you like to watch the report in the Power BI Service you can take a look here:

  1. Download the file (Desktop July 2020) ; file (Desktop May 2020 RS)
  2. Open the report and click on Edit Queries
Transform data/ Edit Query

Change Source…

  1. Server: Choose your Server
  2. Choose the Report Server Database
  3. Click ok and apply the new setting

After you applied the new settings you will get the data you have in your Report Server Database into your Monitoring report. Here some explanations what you can see in this Monitoring report.

Also I used the following transformations to decide which type on the Report Server is for example a report or a folder. You can finde this measure under the table catalogue.

Typename = SWITCH(‘Catalog'[Type],”1″,”Folder”,”2″,”SSRS Report”,”5″,”Datasource”,”7″,”Report Component”,”8″,”Shared Dataset”,”13″,”Power BI Report”)

To define the report actions I use a transformation in the Power Query editor. You can differentiate between the following types of action:

WHEN 13 THEN ‘ConceptualSchema’
WHEN 14 THEN ‘QueryData’
WHEN 15 THEN ‘ASModelStream’
WHEN 18 THEN ‘SaveToCatalog’
WHEN 19 THEN ‘DataRefresh’

I decided to summarize the following types:

First I put 1″18-Savetocatalog” to “19-DataRefresh” and “15-ASModelStream” to “19-DataRefresh” both of these actions are triggerd during a refresh of a report
Second I named all the report actions

As I meantioned before it is only a basic monitoring for the report server. I will extend the report in the next time. But for now I hope I could help and would like to know will you use it? 🙂



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