Power BI – Crossword puzzle

Grid word puzzle Can you find all words in every puzzle? Words to put into the Grid word puzzel: Facttable, Dimension, PowerQuery, Relationships, Tables, Data, Dashboards, Piechart, Barchart, Community, monthly, ...

Filter and Smart narrative/ Textbox Visual

Einer der meist gefragten Sätze während meiner Projekten war tatsächlich “Wo kann ich sehen welche Filter gerade aktiv sind?” In diesem kurzen Beitrag möchte ich euch zeigen wie ihr ganz simple ausgewählte Filter in einem Smart Narrative Visual darstellen könnt./ One of the most frequently asked questions during my projects was indeed “Where can I see which filters are currently active? In this short article, I would like to show you how you can display very simple selected filters in a Smart Narrative Visual.